Welcome to Southern Association Youth Rodeo!
Welcome to Southern Association Youth Rodeo!
About Southern Association Youth Rodeo (S.A.Y. Rodeo)
S.A.Y. Rodeo is the largest junior rodeo association in the state of Georgia and Alabama. We had participantsin 2020 from around 31% of the counties in Alabama, and about 21% of all counties in Georgia. We also have participants from the Carolina’s and Florida! Our rodeos offer Mutton Bustin’, Calf Riding, Chute Doggin’, Goat Tying, Goat Tail Untying, Team Roping, Breakaway Roping, Tie-Down Roping, Ribbon Roping, Dummy Roping, Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Steer Wrestling, Saddle Broncs, Bareback Broncs, Pony Broncs, and Bull Riding! All SAY Rodeos are also qualifying rodeos for the IMRA and the JR NFR! We put on nine rodeos starting in February and culminating with our two-day finals in October. We have the following age categories competing throughout the year:
Tiny Tots up to age 4
Pee Wee ages 5-8
Youth ages 9-11
Junior ages 12-15
Senior ages 16-19
Why does SAYR need your sponsorship?
Because rodeo is a great team building sport, a great way to build confidence, self-control, and it’s a good form of physical activity. Our members must keep their grades up and are encouraged to treat others with respect, be an encouragement to those around them, and take personal responsibility for their work ethic and attitudes.
Without support, there would not be a Southern Association Youth Rodeo!
Your sponsorship dollars not only help keep SAYR up and running, it also allows us to provide these precious youngsters with great prizes and to provide our sponsors with great advertising. Last season, we had over 260 participating competitors and of course, all those who come to cheer them on. If these kids stick with it, they have the opportunity to move on in their rodeo career and possibly receive scholarship money for college. We are currently giving out over $4000 in scholarship money! We hope to continue to add to that amount every year.
What do our sponsors receive?
Exposure and that good feeling you get when you help a kid! Your company will, also, be exposed to all rodeo participants and fans at all of the SAYR events. Advertising! You will receive a tax write-off for advertising.
How can you help us keep SAYR up and running for the kids?
By taking a few moments to look over the following sponsorship information. Thank you in advance for your consideration!
You can download a copy of our sponsorship packet and form below.
Southern Association Youth Rodeo (S.A.Y. Rodeo) - Sponsorship Opportunities